State of the Union: Interview With Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH)


Date: May 7, 2023
Keyword Search: Russia Ukraine



So, our trip comes just on the heels of Speaker Kevin McCarthy being here. And our focus largely, being from the Intelligence Committee, were on the relations between the United States and Israel and how we can help strengthen the security situation in the area. We also stopped in Jordan and Egypt.

And, talking to all three countries, they were all very much encouraging the United States on a policy basis to have a stronger role, thinking that there are real opportunities to increase the security situation here, but at the same time painting a picture that there are serious threats in the area and that the United States should be playing a role.


Jake, the one thing that he made clear is that he does think that Iran can be deterred, that, if they do believe that there will be military action against them, a surgical-type strike, that would diminish their ability to pursue nuclear weapons, that that could have a chilling effect and could stall their programming.

And he doesn't want that opportunity to be missed of the understanding that Israel and/or the United States, together or separate, might be willing to take military action to forestall Iran making that next step to a nuclear state.


Well, all three countries that we were in, Jordan, Israel and Egypt, indicated their own steps to diminish China's footprint or their ability to make inroads in their country, specifically citing diminishing their technology access to either data or to their telecommunication systems.

They did all cite this -- China's increased influence in the area as a need for the United States to step up its influence. So everyone is watching this very closely and seeing this as an opportunity for the United States to not only play a greater role for security, but also a greater role in keeping China at bay.


Well, the claims are clearly ludicrous.

And, also, the -- I believe that they're an attempt to distract everyone in Russia from the fact that Vladimir Putin is losing horribly in Ukraine and he needs to withdraw. He needs to allow Ukraine to restore their territorial borders and the integrity of their country.

I do think, as we met with each of the leaders of these three countries, that they do see what Russia has done in Ukraine as diminishing Russia overall as both a power or an influencer around the world. They see them now, with this brutal campaign in Ukraine and the fact that they have not been successful, as impacting Russia's overall reputation.


Well, as Speaker McCarthy said, the House has done its job. We voted to raise the debt limit. The president is doing this unrealistic position where he's saying that spending has nothing to do with debt.

Of course, you don't get debt unless you're spending more than you're bringing in. The president needs to come to the table, negotiate with the speaker, and come up with a plan that the American public want. Overwhelmingly, the polls show the American public want Washington to rein in spending.

The president needs to make some concessions.


I think, if the president fails to negotiate with Congress and has continued out-of-control spending that threatens our economy, that it is a national security threat.

He has the ability to sit down and do that and for us to come to a deal in an agreement. That's what the American public want. That's what I think they're going to require from Congress and the president, and I think he needs to get on with it.


Thank you, Jake.

